I love it when I come across great blogs! This blog:
Etsy Technology Help I really would like to share with you. If you have an Etsy shop and is, like me, a tad computer challenged, then I would highly suggest you take a good look. I promise you it will save you a lot of time :-)
A couple of days ago I saw the blog link posted by
MagnetGames the blog owner, in the Etsy Forum. I clicked over there and was for a long while totally absorbed in all the great tips. Some I had come across before in the Forum, but a lot was new to me. Since then I have been implementing some of the things that she suggests. Amongst others how to add an active link to your blog post that opens up in a new window (like when you click on 'Etsy Technology Help' above. How to add a Google custom search area, like the one you see in the left hand side column. There you can type a key word and it will search your blog for posts with that specific theme. Very handy. Another tip mentioned: In my shop I have now added active links to some of my descriptions like 'You might like this listing as well'. A great way to make it easier for customers to let them know whats in your shop.
I still have a list of things that I would like to add or tweak in regards to my blog and etsy shop over the coming days. It always makes me so happy with all the great people out there just wanting to share what they are great at. Thank you MagnetGames!
thank you for reading!
Thanks for the info! Very useful info.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I found it very helpfull :-)
Great tips! Thanks for sharing the link!
You are welcome :-)
Thank you so much for the great info, Birgitte!
Very interesting info! I found you on We Love Etsy and i'm going to add your blog link to mine.
I'm originally from Sweden and I appreciate your "clean" crisp Scandinavian design. Like being back home. :)
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