Well it is amazing how much one can get done when getting up at the crack of dawn. Our old cat decided that she was tremendously hungry and was talking up a storm at 4.45 am. Being a light sleeper at the best of times, an early raiser and still jet lagged from our recent travels to the US, I decided to stay up and get some computer work done which is a great feeling. Even though I did manage to get some work done in the US, I'm still behind from where I would like to be. I'll get there in the end :-)
I have just listed two batches of my hand dyed embroidery thread/yarn on Etsy red/blueish thread and olive green/blue thread Some time ago I blogged about the dyeing process and the final result. Please take a look if you want to more info/pictures (March 14Th and 19Th 2009). Four more listings are ready to be posted on Etsy over the next couple of days. I like to spread similar listings, so that they are not just sitting there as a big group. I work in so many different styles and I like that to be reflected when people visit my shop. I was just thinking, that I wouldn't mind, if the light would be good for taking pictures today. It looks quite promising. Slightly overcast, but bright. I have so many items ready to be prepared for Etsy. I find it easier and more time efficient to do a good batch in one go instead of breaking it up in chunks.
Hi :)
That emerald-green thread is gorgeous! Would it be similar to embroidery threads such as dmc or anchor?
Hi there :-)
Yes and no... Some of the threads are twisted from 2-3 strands and those for the most part can be seperated. A few of the skeins are actually dyed DMC 6 strands. Some of the other skeins will be more suitable for couching, like chenille type threads. I often use the thinner threads in my bobbin and work from the back leaving for example an outlined design shape or just textured areas depending on what my piece need. Hope this answers youe question :-)
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