On a recent trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, I for a change had a bit of spare time. And did I spend that time well, Yes. And would I like to go back, Yes. For quite a while it had been on my wish list to go and visit The National Museum of Denmark (The page will be in Danish, but just click the little English flag at the top, and you'll get the English version). Over the years, when living in Denmark, I have been visiting this wonderful museum on a relatively regular basis, but after moving abroad several years ago, I hadn't really managed to stop by.
In one of my textile groups we are working a body of work on a design brief 'connections'. While focusing in on my design source, I so totally wanted to visit the National museum in Denmark and revisit the prehistoric collection. Not planning on going to Denmark any time soon, I chose a different source for my design work. But the desire to explore my heritage stayed with me, and at the first given opportunity I went, expecting to find great artefact's, but in a rather old fashioned and dusty display. Boy, was I wrong. The whole Danish prehistoric collection dating back to 5000 BC (give or take a few years :-) had been fully refurbished in the most beautiful and informative way. It was so exciting, and I was in totally in awe. I spend several hours looking, reading, sketching just enjoying my self. It was fantastic, and I so want to go back for another look and do more sketching. And the prehistoric collection is just one of many collections, not to mention the children's museum which is great fun and very informative for the young and their parents. So much to see and do in this beautiful old building in the heart of Copenhagen.
Hi Brigitte. Such lovely flowers. And whatever is that delightful little "oragami" piece at the end? Pretty. Your blog has been quiet for a while - I guess you have been busy exploring. That museum sounds fascinating. Anything that brings us closer to "who we are" is always such a treasure. Happ New Year!
Åh, ja...Nationalmuseet! Jeg elsker også, at komme der...og godt at du havde en god dag der!
Og Birgitte, bare giv lyd hvis du har tid en anden gang....og når det er sagt, så ved jeg fra mine venner, der bor i udlandet, at 'tid når man er i Danmark' er noget, man bare ikke har: familie og venner vil også gerne have deres del af kagen...og så er der jo også gerne nogle ting man selv vil nå ;O)
Hi Clevelandgirlie
Thank you for your lovely comment and Happy New Year to you. It's nice to be missed :-)Yes, life has been very busy with lots of traveling and working pieces for an upcoming exhibition. I think having lived abroad for so any years has made me appreciate my heritege evenmore, instead of just taking it for granted.
Hi Mette.
Godt Nytaar til dig. Haaber du har faaet en god start paa det nye aar.
Tid er der naesten aldrig nok af naar jeg er i DK, men det kunne vaere vildt hyggeligt at ses igen. Maaske lykkes det en dag :-)
Sounds like you had a wonderful, relaxing, visit that you will always remember! We should have more of those!
I am soooooo impressed! Your talent is amazing!
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Hi Maria. It was just such a lovely day in every way... :-)
Hi Monica
Thank you for your lovely comments. I really appreciate them. And thank you for taking the time looking through my blog. That is very kind of you :-)
This sounds a wonderful and inspiring trip. (I didn't manage to get to Harrogate back in November unfortunately...hopefully next time.)
BTW - Have nominated you for a sunshine award......here...http://handknittedthings.blogspot.com/2010/01/sunshine-award.html
Best regards
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