I know, I'm rather late writing this blogpost, but hopefully you will by now, have seen my tweets and facebook postings about Sindano's textile exhibition at the 16th century, historic building, The Corpus Christi Guildhall in historic Lavenham, Suffolk, England. The Guildhall is a National Trust property and NT entrance fees applies. Our exhibition has been set up to day and the door will open tomorrow Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th November, both days from 11 am to 4 pm. A mixture of traditional and contemporary fiber art will be on display. There will be sales tables with our handmade pieces. While we are stewarding the exhibition we will be working on various pieces and are more than happy to show and explain what we are doing. I'll be working on my handwoven baskets made from folded paper strips. In fact I just finished the preparations for a large bowl made from strips cut from a Danish newspaper that I'll be working on while stewarding on Sunday.
I just watched the local weather forcast on our local television station 'Look East'. The forcast is a bit gray and damp, so if you want to add a bit of colour to a gray November day, then please stop by and say hello. The permanent exhibitions at The Guildhall will be open as well as their lovely tea room, which will make a perfect stop for nice cup of tea and a bite. If you haven't visited Lavenham before with all its old timber framed crooked housed then you are really in for a treat. A great day out, for your husband as well :-)