I have had a lovely day today just quietly catching up with a lot of things. For a change I haven't been out and about and it just makes such a difference. One can get on with things. As you can see from my lack of blog postings, I haven't quite found my rhythm again. So much to do when you are picking up your life again after a long, but wonderful break. But hopefully life is slowly falling into place again and I'll be back blogging on a regular basis. I have so many half written posts from our trip in my little note/sketch book that I'm always carrying around with me. Someone gave me that tip when I started this blog, and that has really been a super idea. Sometimes it is just key words, other times it is fully written. I have never written a daily journal, but I have to admit that there is something very soothing to put pen to paper, trying to digest and verbalize the impressions of a day. Well better run for now. We are having friends coming over shortly for a three course meal. It is all prepared except that I'm in need a bit of dusting myself :-)
Welcome to my blog! Danish Fiber/Textile Artist. Blogging about: design inspiration, work in progress, exhibitions, textile groups, how-to' crafting techniques, etsy shop 'SewDanish', travelling, yoga and life as it comes :-) My website http://BirgitteHendricks.com
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Life is great!
I have had a lovely day today just quietly catching up with a lot of things. For a change I haven't been out and about and it just makes such a difference. One can get on with things. As you can see from my lack of blog postings, I haven't quite found my rhythm again. So much to do when you are picking up your life again after a long, but wonderful break. But hopefully life is slowly falling into place again and I'll be back blogging on a regular basis. I have so many half written posts from our trip in my little note/sketch book that I'm always carrying around with me. Someone gave me that tip when I started this blog, and that has really been a super idea. Sometimes it is just key words, other times it is fully written. I have never written a daily journal, but I have to admit that there is something very soothing to put pen to paper, trying to digest and verbalize the impressions of a day. Well better run for now. We are having friends coming over shortly for a three course meal. It is all prepared except that I'm in need a bit of dusting myself :-)

Monday, 18 May 2009
Yeah, we are back home in England safe and sound and http://SewDanish.etsy.com is again open for business. It is so great being out and about, but there is a lot to be said for being back home as well. I love travelling, but enjoy tremendously being home as well. After a long break it always takes a while to pick up from where I left. One of the first things I did was to reopen SewDanish. I have really missed my little shop. Now the shelves are dusted, the windows polished and over the coming days/weeks I will be adding new listings. So if you have a moment please stop by and take a look :-)
My husband and I are still a bit jet lagged trying to absorb the 8 hour time difference between Vancouver and London. Even though my brain is still in a slow mode, I cannot wait to get back crafting, continue working on the projects that I left behind. Mind you before the crafting, I do need to continue working on the mountain of laundry and ironing, as well as a major expedition to the supermarket to restock the fridge. The joys of travelling :-)
Monday, 4 May 2009
North Carolina

Card - Applique
Originally uploaded by SewDanish
Just spend a lovely week by the Inter Coastel Waterway in North Carolina. Beautiful weather. A great taste of the summer to come.
Took lots of photos of bark. Some of the old trees had just the most amazing texture. Perfect for being translated into textured, stitched pieces. We have a lot of airports and plane rides coming up and I might do a bit of sketching while waiting. We'll see.
In the begining of our stay my husband was working on his next two Fantasy Football book that are due to be published shortly: 'Fantasy Football Almanac 2009' and 'Fantasy Football Tips' by Sam Hendricks. While he was busy typing away, I did a hand stitched piece for one of my textile groups. The Sindano group is having an exhibition in November and we are all to stitch a leaf. A small piece of hand dyed fabric and a some blue threads were given to us. Right before I left on this vacation, I took a photo copy of a leaf from our garden and traced the outline and veins on to the fabric with a light pencil stroke. So far I have stitched a very delicate piece with tiny running and seed stitches. I really like it, but is debating to add more seeded = shadowed areas. It is a fine balance as I don't want to spoil the feather weight feel the piece has, but on the other hand it might be too boring with out. I think, I have to let it sit for a while longer, while I make up my mind :-)