Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Spiral of Life

I've been to my machine embroidery group ATW, Advanced Textile Workshop. Had a great day as usual. This group is an eksperimental free machine embroidery group. A couple of weeks ago our group had a display at an event called "Textile in Focus" which took place North of Cambrigde (GB). It is a yearly event with lots of workshops, vendors, exhibitions and lectures. A fantastic day out. Our group had gotten the brief to make a non conventional container. And this container was to contain a treasure and there had to be some hand stitching. My container ended up not looking anything like my initial plan, as I couldn't get it to work. So I was sitting there with this rather large stitched piece, that I just couldn't cut into pieces. So I started manipulating. And I just loved what started to happen. My initial treasure idea was something that represented life, as I treasure life. I ended up with an integrated "spiral of life". I really think that it is so important to trust and follow ones intuition, and not try to force something to happen when working on a piece.


→lisa said...

Oh my! That is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in a long time! It's a good thing your original plan didn't work out -- this is just stunning and surprising. Wowza.

May I post this (with a link to your blog)?

SewDanish-Scandinavian Textile Art, Unique Handmade Supplies said...

Thank you! What a great compliment, That is so sweet of you :-)
Yes, please go ahead and post on your lovely blog. Just had a good look around

Jo Hannah said...

It's good not to have a plan! I really like this :-)

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, I am so glad I found your Blog, very unique items.

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen said...

This is a WONDERFUL piece. It is so delicate... I LOVE it! In Hawaii the Hawaiians make baskets from frond of the Royal Palms and of course from coconut trees. I have made many baskets from the Palm fronds. Your work here makes me want to get back to that... thank you! ~ Aloha, Kathy

gunnelsvensson said...

Yes I agree with the otheers! This is a wonderfull piece ! Helt underbar !!!

SewDanish-Scandinavian Textile Art, Unique Handmade Supplies said...

Thank you all! I really appreciate all your warm and kind comments. I'm planning on exploring this technique a lot more and will post pictures as I get my work done.