Monday, 24 October 2011

Minimalistic Muslin Cards from SewDanish

Recently Fibrefusion Contemporary Textile Art Group, the textile group that I belong to, published their 5th book, Muslin, a Stitched Exploration of Loose Weave Fabrics  . While exploring the potential of muslin, I worked quite a few samples that I absolutely love and that I’m planning on exploring and taking a lot further.

I have for a (long) while been fascinated by working white on white. I have been focusing on and challenging myself to see how minimalistic I can go before there is ‘nothing’. In a busy life where I’m constantly swapping in and out of ‘my’ three cultures the Danish, English and American, working rather minimalistic gives me a bit of breathing space (if that makes sense). J

Removing the color from a design puts emphasis on texture and shading and something very exciting starts to happen. Don’t get me wrong I love color, but currently in my work, I prefer to use it quite restrictive, as an accent to the design.  The cards in this blogpost are made as a result of my Muslin, white on white exploration. The small collages are stitched with strips of muslin on to torn pieces of Khadi (cotton rag) paper. Due to the ‘relaxed’ technique all the collages are slightly different and very organic.  All cards are avaiable from SewDanish - Scandinavian Textile Art